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How many catty are in a pound?

1 pound is equal to 0.90718 catty. Here are some conversions for other pound amounts: 5 pounds = 4.53592 catty, 10 pounds = 9.07185 catty, 20 pounds = 18.14369 catty, 30 pounds = 27.21554 catty, 40 pounds = 36.28739 catty, 50 pounds = 45.35924 catty, 75 pounds = 68.03886 catty, 100 pounds = 90.71847 catty. Do you need conversions for other units?

How many pound in 30 catty?

30 catty to pound = 33.06934 pound 40 catty to pound = 44.09245 pound 50 catty to pound = 55.11557 pound Want other units? You can do the reverse unit conversion from pound to catty, or enter any two units below:

How many catty are in 1 pound (China)?

1 pound is equal to 2 catty in China. The answer is 2 catty for 1 pound. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. We assume you are converting between pound and catty [China]. You can view more details on each measurement unit: pound or catty. The SI base unit for mass is the kilogram. 1 kilogram is equal to 2.2046226218488 pound.

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